I'ason Silverlight

Hunter-Gatherer and Supplier
based at The Gilded Leaf Lodge
Novice Adventurer
[Final Fantasy XIV, Balmung]


  • NAME: I'ason Silverlight, né I'ason Tia


  • ALSO KNOWN AS: Ason, Friend I'ason, Peaches, Kitten, Mr. Peaches, My Sky, Yaeyaeson

  • AGE: Mid-late 20s

  • NAMEDAY: 28th sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

  • RACE: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te

  • GENDER: Cis Male

  • SEXUALITY: Pansexual, leaning more gay

  • HEIGHT: about 5 fulms and 3 ilms (163.7 cm)

  • MARITAL STATUS: Bonded to Senelle Silverlight and sire to their kits

  • BUILD: Small but athletic, hidden by a thin layer of plush thanks to his love of being a snacking lazyshit. RL physique references include Andres and Yuzuru Hanyu.

  • VOICE: He's usually fairly soft-spoken, but his tone is warm, welcoming, and casual. He has an airy, gentle quality about his voice, which falls in the tenor range and sounds something like Sakurai Takahiro's Cloud voice.

  • ORIGIN: A now-extinct branch of the Ee tribe in the Sagolii Desert

  • LANGUAGES: Sagoliian, miqo'te huntspeak, common Eorzean

  • ALIGNMENT: Neutral good

  • 16PERSONALITIES: The Mediator/Campaigner

I'ason is a smaller than average male miqo'te. Lightly tanned, he is limber and athletic despite his soft appearance, and stronger than he looks thanks to his main means of livelihood as a hunter-gatherer. Nowhere near the strength of actual combatants, however, I'ason is a man who relies more on agility, dexterity, and his cardiovascular fitness than brute force. His hands may be notable as 'piano hands,' with long, slim fingers that are beneficial for fine motor tasks.His hair is a sun-kissed blonde with rolanberry tips, which gives him the resemblance of a peach. He exhibits heterochromia, with his left eye being a silver-grey and his right eye being a rich amber. His tail is unremarkable, of the same peach coloration as his hair, and tipped with pink.Style-wise, I'ason does his best to look good and tasteful. He largely avoids baring skin, preferring instead to wrap himself up in pleasing silhouettes and pretty fashion. When traversing the desert, his dress is largely loose-fitting and protective against the harsh rays of the sun, though in other hot climes less harsh than the Sagolii (such as La Noscean summers), he will bare some skin for the sake of temperature regulation. He has an eye for Ishgardian and Thavnairian or Hannish styles. However, when it comes to having to choose between form or function, I'ason does have the good sense to prioritize function. That doesn't mean, however, that he won't try to marry both.

Upon first meeting, I’ason is friendly, hopeful, affectionate, timid, submissive and, for the most part, a sweet ball of fluff. He is meek and a people-pleaser through and through. While wrestling with the belief that he is ‘weak, needy, and useless’ - due in part to his unwillingness to engage in combat and his gross dependence on others to both protect and make decisions for him - I’ason is actually cleverer and more resourceful than for what he gives himself credit. Mercurial and prone to self-destructive anxiety and depression, the Sagoliian is nevertheless big-hearted - wanting very much to believe in ‘love conquers all.’ A romantic, he is in love with the idea of love, and admires people who have the courage and conviction to risk self for others. He empathizes greatly with people who are in pain and will want to do something to help in the suffering of others, however limited his power may be.He's not all "aw what a nice boy" good, though. He can hold grudges and be pettily vindictive. He'll engage in arguments, though once it starts seeming it'll get physical, he'd be quick to back down. His mercurial moods can also be exhausting to manage. He's an open book, but also intensely private at the same time.

Goat Gift Ason

RP Info

HOOKS- Gossip and who's-dating-whom. He's been scolded before, but he can't help it.- Hearing other people's stories. He loves vicariously living through other people by listening to their tales of both triumph and woe.- People pleaser. Ask him (or tell him) to do anything, especially assertively, and he'll likely do it.- Refugee in Ul'dah in the past and thus typically prefers not to venture into Ul'dah. PM for more info.- He was a denizen of the Sagolii - desert and tribal life - particularly dance - are things he can bond over!- Cooking and yummy food! He's always eager to learn more things to make so he can feed people and make them happy.- He works hard so he can be a lazyshit. Fashion and other luxuries make him go +-+- He's a bit of an Ishgardophile- Honestly, he's easy to interact with, if not a bit shy at first.

WRITING SAMPLESWhy Fight? - A glance into I'ason's internal state shortly after the dissolution of the 81st.Blood, Sand, and Stars - This kibby didn't handle a break-up well.Leve it to the Dark Knight - One of I'ason's first leves, taken after meeting Dacian (one of my alts) for the first time.Consider the Future - Shortly after I'kaya had been reunited with I'ason, he had to both undergo transition from being an alpha-tia to depending on Ason while also trying to be kind about his brother's lover at the time.

IC INVENTORY- Reliably with many pouches or bags at his belt and at least one typically carrying a snack he can share- Almost always with his hunting bow or his astrometer, if not both- A blue-aether magitek ring gifted to him by Senelle- Not on his person, but he keeps a stuffed Kojin gifted to him by Naohiro at home. Perched lovingly on a shelf is a memorial urn holding his Homesands. Also, right beside his kit's crib floats a Gaelicat stuffy gifted by Haruka, along with protective charms gifted to the kits by Kaldi.


The Gilded Leaf Lodge (FC House)
- The Mist, Ward 6, Plot 30
Personal Cottage (Usrha Bhatthee)
- The Mist, Ward 6, Plot 48
Apartment (ICly the second story of his cottage)
- The Lavender Beds, Ward 11 Lily Hills Subdivision, #68
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
I will not entertain drama llamas. Full stop. I'm old and moldy and do not have time to deal with problem-escalations during my happyrelax funtimes.Speaking of old and moldy, yes, I'm 40+, have a full time job, and help caretake for an older individual. I understand life can get in the way, so I ask for the same consideration.

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment.
PM me before initiating a walk-up encounter, or I might panic and hope you think I'm afk and leave. I have strong Stranger Danger.Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.I won't play permanent character death, anything mature-themed with players under 20. Nothing against players who may be more mature than their age; it's more a personal thing for me, since I work with young'uns up to age 19.CONTACT
I'ason Silverlight ... on Balmung of Final Fantasy XIV's Crystal Data Center

I'ason Silverlight of Balmung and all related characters were created by me, desertpeachcatte@tumblr, or related friends.
Images of other characters or others' arts all used with permission.
Please do not blatantly take any character concepts, art, or story from this character for your own.
Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te and Final Fantasy XIV belong to Square-Enix.


I'ason grew up in a traditional Seeker tribe out in the harsh Sagolii. Unfortunately, his nature really did not suit Seeker culture. He was timid and easily intimidated, and usually got beaten in scuffles with the other miqo'te. No one with a sane thought in their head believed I'ason would amount to anything but a low-ranking tia forever. Even so, he was well-loved by the nunh who sired him and his dam, both of whom saw his unusual nature as masking strengths that were not common in their family. For example, he was by far one of the most literate in his tribe, and he adored poring through the books that found their ways to them, books that were about love and adventure. His elder brother, I'kaya, on the other hand, was his opposite: a natural leader, strong, and suspected to be the next nunh. I'ason was ever in his shadow, but he was there gladly, for I'kaya often protected him from dangers he was otherwise unwilling to confront. Life with his tribe was fairly good except for the times others teased or bullied him away from his brother's watchful eyes.Then, shit happened. Of course, there was the Calamity, but even before then, things were starting to destabilize in the desert with the Garleans invading. With the stress of the combined war, Calamity, and Amalj'aa raiding settlements for sacrifices to Ifrit, I'ason's tribe was torn asunder and the survivors scattered. I'ason traveled a few weeks with his elder brother afterwards, but soon woke up one day abandoned by him. I'ason was never sure if I'kaya simply left or was killed - he chose to believe he left because there was no way his big brother could be killed by anything.

He then wandered about on his own, ending up a refugee of Ul’dah. There, he had the misfortune of learning first-hand of the manipulative ugliness that lived in the power of those with gil. At the same time, however, he learned of the luxuries the city and civilization offered, and he decided he quite liked things like feather beds, fine foods, and stylish clothes.

During the upheaval caused by the mutiny of the Crystal Braves, I'ason managed to escape Ul’dah and stumbled his way to the Twelveswood. He came upon a ragtag bunch of ‘poachers’ (thus labeled by Gridania proper) by accident when he broke all Black Shroud hunting tradition when he, out of desperation, hunted and killed a creature to put something in his belly.

The group was uncertain of the Sagoliian Seeker at first, but eventually opted to let him follow them and learn the ways of Shroud hunting, as he seemed teachable. I’ason lasted a few moons with these friends but, ultimately, due to the frequent rain and gloom in the Shroud, opted to keep moving on - though this time with the idea that he could hunt and sell the game for gil so he could obtain other necessities.

Gil would continue to be scarce for I’ason until he found his way to Vylbrand and, subsequently, steady employment with the 81st Foreign Levy of the Maelstrom, which he joined after seeing recruitment open to assist the military unit with recovery after a damaging attack. There, though he was a non-combatant, he managed to find a place as one who kept the Foreign Levy’s base stocked, supplied, and cared for. With the steady income and network of bookkeeping-adept friends he made there, he learned about how to handle money. Owing much to the company, its sudden dissolution came as a devastating blow to him as he saw this as a second loss of his newfound 'tribe.' Again without home and purpose, he found himself wandering aimlessly in a depressive stupor from payment to payment for services either of his provisioning skills or less savory acts. If it weren't for the support of friends he'd made in Vylbrand, it was doubtful he would have been able to stand on his own two feet for long.It wasn’t until he was directed to The Hidden Pearl Inn and Tavern thanks to a chance meeting with a miqo’te acquaintance that I’ason found his life once again stabilized. Employed by the kind Moris, the Seeker has been able to settle and form roots in the Mist, and even branched out going on adventures with the Lotus Clan! However, with the proprietress moving on in life and the Tavern changing hands, I'ason has had enough experience now to stand on his own. Between caring for his family, he currently operates by independently taking leves from The Gilded Leaf Lodge.

Skills and Talents


Strength 5/10
Agility and Dexterity10/10
Stamina 6/10
Speed 7/10
Magic 7/10
Stealth 7/10
Recovery 4/10
Danger to Allies4/10

I'ason is, in plain terms, not an expert combatant. In fact, some years ago, it's an absolutely fair assessment to pin him as a coddled coward. He'd spent most of his life trying to not be in combat, but finding people important to him and experiencing the abject helplessness his choices led him to feel when his tribe met its end have changed his priorities. He is still very timid, but after initially picking up the role of mender for adventuring had allowed him to fill that supportive role for which his personality is more suited. Limitations still hold him back, however - while he has picked up astromancy, he has no idea how to use Arcana, and his understanding of structured magick schools is still nascent.He has some raw talent in agility and dexterity, and thus is a natural with weapons such as the bow and meteor hammers, and his tendency to look after the well-being of others are his two strengths. Lately, he has begun to integrate his long-abandoned skill in dance - something he's actually more proficient in than his somewhat clumsy healing - to boost the spirit of his allies or the presences of those around him.


Hunting and Tracking8/10
Gathering and Foraging8/10
Wilderness Survival8/10
Attention Span4/10
Social Awareness7/10
Piano and Musicality7/10
Visual Arts5/10
Libido 10/10

I'ason is more a noncombatant and has a much wider array of experience in skills aligned with Disciples of the Land or Hand, and he has relatively strong social skills - moreso than his combat skills.

Extra Tidbits

COLORS: Pastel yellow, powder blue, peach, mint green
GEMSTONES: Morganite, Rose Quartz, Pink Sapphire, Sunstone
WESTERN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN(S): Pisces (Sun) / Cancer (Moon) / Libra (Rising)
SEASON: Spring
SCENT(S): Fresh not-quite-ripe peaches, ocean breeze, fresh laundry, rose tea, cardamom
PLANT(S): Flowering cacti, desert rose, peach tea rose, wisteria, weeping willow, peach blossom
SUSTENANCE: Rolanberries/Peaches and cream, Pearl chocolate, Caprese
TIME OF DAY: Early Afternoon
ANIMAL(S): Dolphin, Kitten
INSTRUMENT(S): Kudüm drums, kemençe, oud, ney


I'KAYA TIA, Elder BrotherI'kaya is I'ason's older brother who watched over and protected I'ason as a kit - practically as a substitute parent - and is about as similar to I'ason as steel is to water. Yet, as different as they are from the other, the brothers love each other dearly. Once separated for long cycles after their escape from the Sagolii, they currently live their new lives as brothers do - driving each other crazy. Deeper, I'ason is keenly aware of I'kaya's tendency to bear all alone and without complaint, and openly fights with the fiercely stalwart and stubbornly proud miqo'te to allow him to care for him.

I'MHARYUS NUNH, Sire (deceased)I'mharyus, upon first meeting, may not have seemed as expected as a nunh. He came across as childish, bubbleheaded, and irresponsible, but behind all that was a caring father who loved his tribe dearly. Ever did he tend to the needs of his people with care and consideration - a quality that stood out to the huntresses who put him in his position, and earned him great love from his kits. He also possessed a pragmatism and unusually political wit about him that set him apart and made him respected despite his brash lust for life. He was tragically killed during an Amalj'aa assault when he was lured out by a Tempered kit, and his loss came as a devastating blow to the morale of the Ee.

I'GHRANE NHENTA, Dam (deceased)I'ghrane was one of the fiercest warriors of the Ee, well-respected for her prowess on the battlefield. Countless Amalj'aa had fallen to the tiny miqo'te's axe, and she commanded fear in her foes. As a mother, however, she found herself flailing. Lacking no love for her kits, the woman simply had no talent to nurture. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of both her sons, she did her best with her beloved I'mharyus and her tribe sisters supporting her. Ever drawn to battle, however, I'ghrane ultimately proved her motherhood by setting out to lead a last stand against the Amalj'aa after I'mharyus was slain. She never returned and only cycles later was found by Senelle to be in the custody of the Brotherhood of Ash - Tempered - and had to be laid to rest.

LIEUTENANT SENELLE SILVERLIGHT, Rhohi / Wife / MateSenelle began her connection with I'ason as a mentor and mother figure. She had scraped him out of the gutter more than once during his dark spirals, helped with his literacy, and, with her wisdom and support, taught him to grow his definition of 'home.' While he regarded her as a woman with a strong core, he had sometimes sensed a loneliness about her to which he related. As such, he persistently tried his best to actively keep her in his life, ultimately folding her into his family - his tribe. Through all they have endured together by and for the other, they are bound now in ways no words can adequately describe. He loves her dearly and it would take another Calamity before he would be separated from her.


Art and Dolls


Images of other characters or images by other artists used with permission.

Music and Other Media

YouTube Playlist contains songs used to set a mood. Lyrics generally, but may not all, reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers or headphones when clicking the button.